0.14 - May 25, 2017¶
- Fix a Pyramid depcreation warning for unauthenticated_userid.
0.13 - August 18, 2016¶
- Preserve response exceptions raised by resource constructors or views if they already have a JSON content type.
- Modify default JSON validation error response format: use the field with the validation error as key in the response data.
- Use a custom rest_toolkit.ext.jsonschema.JSONValidationError exception for JSON validation errors. This allows for easy customisation of validation error response by defining a view for JSONValidationError.
0.12 - June 1, 2016¶
- Pass extra resource and controller arguments to the underlying add_view() calls. This allows using predicates for views.
0.11 - May 6, 2016¶
- Allow update_from_dict to return a custom response, which will be used by the default PATCH and PUT views.
0.10 - May 4, 2016¶
- Do not require any permssions for OPTIONS requests. This can badly break authentication, since OPTIONS will be called to check if auth-related headers may be send.
- Do not register catch-all exception view if debugging is enabled.
0.9 - September 20, 2015¶
- Default to not allowing primary key changes for SQLResource objects. This can be toggled with a new allow_primary_key_change variable on the resource class.
- Correctly set Access-Control-Allow-Methods header for resources using default views.
0.8 - September 5, 2015¶
- Correctly handle OPTIONS requests for controllers.
- Do not require any permissions for the generic error view. This fixes any errors being converted to forbidden errors on sites with a default permission.
0.7 - March 12, 2015¶
- Fix editing of SQL resource.
- Update default views and validation extensions not to assume anything about the to_dict() return format.
- If the rest_toolkit.debug is set, or the REST_TOOLKIT_DEBUG environment variable is set to true, or the pyramid’s debug-all flag is set the system error exception handler will add the exception traceback to the response under a new traceback key.
- Add basic support for collection resources. These can handle POST requests to create child objects.
0.6 - November 4, 2014¶
- Make sure controllers for resource whose path do not end in a slash are reachable. This fixes issue 12.
- Fix mismatch between code and documentation: use request_method as parameter name for the controller decorator.
0.5 - October 24, 2014¶
- Allow overriding the request method for controllers. This fixes issue 10.
- Add read_permission, update_permission and delete_permission options to the resource decorator to set permissions for default views. This fixes issue 8.
- Rely on fixtures provided by pyramid_sqlalchemy for our SQL-related tests.
- Preserve headers when converting a HTTP response to JSON. This fixes issue 6.
- The route name for a resource can now be configured with a route_name parameter for the resource decorator.
0.4.1 - July 18, 2014¶
- Make sure all raised HTTP exceptions are converted to JSON responses.
0.4 - July 18, 2014¶
This releases focuses on improving the documentation and fixing problems in the SQL extension.
- Fix several errors in the SQLResource defaults views.
- Configuring the SQL extension is no longer necessary if you use pyramid_sqlalchemy to handle SQLAlchemy integration.
- Travis is now setup to automatically run tests on CPython 2.7, CPython 3.3, CPython 3.4 and PyPy.
- Fix Python 3 compatibility problem in the generic error view.
- Drop explicit Python 2.6 support. The tests use too many set literals to make Python 2.6 worthwile.
- Modify EditableResource to not inherit from ViewableResource. This makes the separation between editing and viewing explicit, and works around the inability of Python to handle the inheritance schemes where a base classes is used multiple times.
- Remove the default value for replace in EditableResource.updat_from_dict(). This did not serve a useful purpose, and could be confusing.
- Set self.request in SQLResource constructor.
0.3 - July 11, 2014¶
This release fixes several critical errors in the SQL extension:
- Fix the invoction of the context query.
- Return not-found error from SQLResource instead of an internal error when no SQL row could be found.
- Do not enable default views for SQLResource automatically. This should be an explicit decision by the user.
0.2.2 - July 11, 2014¶
- Fix several errors in SQL extension.
0.2.1 - July 10, 2014¶
- Add a to the source distribution installable.
0.2 - July 9, 2014¶
- Several demos showing how to use rest_toolkit with AngularJS have been added.
- Support for default DELETE, GET, PATCH and PUT views has been added.
- Various documentation fixes and improvements.
0.1 - Released 24 June, 2014¶
This is the first release.